Which Cover Wednesday

Which Cover Wednesday!

Welcome to Which Cover Wednesday!

This weekly post is hosted by Sue’s Reading Corner!
Basically, you pick two editions of the same book and talk about which one you prefer!
Be sure to tell me your picks in the comments!

Since Our Dark Duet came out this week, this edition of Which Cover Wednesday is going to be ALL Victoria Schwab books!

ROUND ONE! This Savage Song

– I’m probably going to say this for all of these books. But I LOVE both covers so much. The US version gives you more of what the book is about. While the UK version is just so eye catching. If I HAD to pick, it’s be the US version.

ROUND TWO! Our Dark Duet

  • Now that the UK version has the Violin on it and shows more of what the story is about, I definitely like that one way more. I love the font on the UK version more too.

ROUND THREE! A Darker Shade of Magic

  • I haven’t read this book yet, but from what I know about it, I feel like both cover represent the stories really well. Both have the different colored Londons. Both have guy with cape. I think I would say that I prefer the UK version for this one.

Hermione-Granger-Says-ThanksThat’s it!
This Which Cover Wednesday was kind of controversial in the bookish world!
Let me know which one you would pick!
Leave me some recommendations on which book covers I should check out next!

Thanks for Reading!
Instagram: jescamarie493
Goodreads: jessicamarie493

Twitter : @jescamarie493  4jmarie

11 thoughts on “Which Cover Wednesday!

  1. I’m digging the UK versions of all three. Lol. I have found that I enjoy the UK versions of books more then US for some reason.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I like the UK covers for A Darker Shade of Magic too! They’re probably my fave!
      Sorry it took so long to respond, your comment ended up in the WordPress Spam folder.

      Thanks for liking and commenting! 🙂


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